January – February Updates
Each month we highlight events and programs made possible by Cuatro’s support. Follow us on Instagram to learn about our latest work.
We love partnering with Se Busca Un Padrino Foundation. This month, we were able to send a shipment to children in the Hospital of Paraguaná.
We are proud to announce that Cuatro Por Venezuela received two awards from the Simon Bolívar Foundation. With these awards we’ll be able to support 200 women during their pregnancy and provide medication to 300 transplant patients.
We supported Schola Cantorum de Venezuela and their educational programs for children. This month, Schola Cantorum kicked off the Núcleo Altagracia choir.
We shipped medicines to patients in the University Hospital of Mérida. We also sent formula and nutritional supplies to children in the Uyapar Hospital in Ciudad Bolívar. Good nutrition is the cornerstone for a speedy recovery.
We want to thank the Humanitarian Organization of Latin American Students (H.O.L.A.S) at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. After a very successful awareness event, we received a generous donation. It was a pleasure to work with such an amazing group of committed students.
Working together with the Rotary Club Nueva Toledo (Cumana, Sucre) we donated long-term and high-protein food. Our goal is to combat malnutrition in children fighting cancer who are part of the program: Feeding the Little Warriors. We also want to thank Grace Fellowship Church in Katy, TX for organizing a volunteer day and donation drive supporting our work.
In February, we recognized World Cancer Day and World Youth Day.