Cuatro makes headlines in Turgua, providing 1200 meals a month for children

In partnership with the Acción Humanitaria por Venezuela foundation, Cuatro Por Venezuela has provided food for 1200 meals a month to children suffering from malnourishment in the rural area of Turgua, part of the El Hatillo zone of Caracas.
Gabriela Rondón, co-founder of Cuatro por Venezuela, was interviewed by several media outlets covering the story. “We have partered with Acción Humanitaria from the very beginning. We work in the area of nutrition, supporting various local programs of school lunches and community pantries by sending basic staple foods such as rice, grains, oatmeal, pasta, harina pan, and jello. We are very proud to partner with and support Acción Humanitaria por Venezuela.”
Jeanette Moreno, Acción Humanitaria por Venezuela coordinator, is grateful for the support of Cuatro por Venezuela. She says she is grateful “for the commitment and work of Cuatro Por Venezuela to create and support partnerships to meet the needs of the country’s most vulnerable populations.” This partnership in El Hatillo guarentees 1200 meals a month which comes out to 14,400 meals a year. For the local children and families of Turgua, this program provides life-saving support.