One In An ARMY Por Venezuela
One In An ARMY is a fan collective comprised of volunteers across the globe that promotes small charities all over the world. Driven by the idea of using our collective power for global good, we seek out non-profit organizations worldwide and harness the power of ARMY into giving micro-donations over a one month period. Our motto, “I am ONE in an ARMY”, plays with the idea that many people giving small amounts can create a substantial impact when we work together.
OIAA has chosen to work with Cuatro Por Venezuela to help people from Venezuela fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization declared that the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern with more than 350,000 cases worldwide. We aim to help Venezuela in fighting these very contagious diseases purchasing protective supplies for health workers, hand sanitizer and soap.
We wholeheartedly agree with Cuatro's motto of never standing by with arms crossed and to do good in any capacity to give others a better chance of life.
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